Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Holy Guacamole!!

 For those of you who know me the title of this post is a phrase I use very often when I am surprised!  I am very surprised right now because I can't believe I haven't posted in such a long time!  My Bad.  Things have been absolute insanity at my house (literally, Jace is currently doing the Insanity workouts AFTER he goes to the gym... That.is.in.sane.) 

First things first, I've had a few baby showers.  LUCKY ME.  Seriously though, don't be offended if you weren't invited. But after all, maybe you should have been because I've noticed as I've gotten older and married and am now pregnant, some people that you think would be supportive just aren't anymore.  Kinda sad. I received so many wonderful gifts and I cannot be thankful enough!  I hate to admit that I hadn't really thought about all of the items I would need for Hayes, and lets just say Wowza.  I couldn't be more prepared thanks to awesome friends and supportive family.  These cute girls came to my shower and I've missed them all so dearly it meant the world to see them!  And I mean all of them!

Shae, Keri, Dee, Puffy Me, Nikki

 Secondly, I have been growing quite a bit.  I think I've gained around 40 LB's and the Doc says Hayes is about 5 pounds already.  That is just a guesstimate so we will see how good he is.  ( He also guessed that I was having a girl, and it's a boy so...)
This is my belly at 28 weeks.  It is a photo of JUST my belly because the rest of me is unrecognizably swollen. Ha
This is me at 32 weeks
 At my 32 week check-up my Doc told me to start documenting when Hayes moves, so that I can better detect a contraction when it comes on or when something doesn't feel norm.  As I've noticed, Hayes moves around 9:00 am, Noon, 6:00 pm, 10:00 pm, Midnight and the cycle continues.  Usually it is within 1-2 hours of those times, usually pretty dead-on, but a lot of it depends on what I'm doing.  (After I eat he has dance parties, when I want to sleep he has dance parties, when I'm moving all day he is playing freeze tag, and when someone comes up to me and says "I want to feel him kick!" and they place their hands on my belly, which is a little bit awkward when it is someone I don't know, he is back to playing freeze tag)  Stubborn from the moment he was conceived I'm sure, but wow does he decide everything already!  I guess I had it coming. 

A little more on baby, the roughest symptoms I've experience since I last documented are heart burn, back aches and swelling.  I am also extremely HOT all the time; probably because it's 100 degrees outside.  I am starting to not sleep very well, I get up about 4 times a night to pee, and every time Jace hears the door open to our bedroom for me to exit and enter when I go to pee he jumps out of bed and says "What are you doing!" Every.time.  It's hilarious. 

I recently saw the movie, What to Expect When Expecting, and HOLY GUAC is it hilarious.  I can think of a few people I know of who are just like the dad and step-mom, where everything is perfect, weight gain is only in the belly, and she sneezes to deliver her babies. wow.  But then I was able to pick myself out really easily.  I would definitely be the book writer who teaches all about pregnancy.  Favorite quote, "They say you get the mother's glow, I call bull-shit!  Bull-shit on the whole thing!  There is no glow!"  I hear ya!

Honestly, I've really enjoyed pregnancy, kinda but it is sometimes RIDICULOUS!  This is my "get real" side coming out just a little bit because wow, your body changes drastically. 

 Jace and I are currently getting a nursery ready, in a house we may or may not be moving out of; you can probably sense my love/hate relationship with that little feature.  BUT it is going to be so cute thanks to the help of my awesome parents!  They drove down last weekend and helped me paint and set everything up while Jace was working a job in Wyoming.  THANKS AGAIN!!  I'll post those pictures as soon as it is done, so be patient if it is a few weeks before you see the final product. 

For the most part, our summer has been super busy and super fun.  We've been to Lava, visited family, had a family reunion, and mainly have just enjoyed spending time together.  I'm still helping coach the Nemesis which is a comp-softball team that my sister-in-law is on, and even though I can't make it to many games, it has been fun to coach!  Probably won't be able to keep that up with Hayes here, we'll see.  Jace is currently in the process of apply to PT school so wish us luck!  We hope and pray that we get accepted somewhere! 

We had a talk with Dot the other day and she is ready to be a big sister and she understands that even though she sometimes poops on the floor that she can't be teaching Hayes how to do that.  So we're golden there! 
Cutest dog ever.  The toy in her mouth is a cap that covers the screws on a toilet seat?  Know what I'm talking about? Ya she's insane.
Well there you have it!  Updated at last.  I wish my blog was as cute as my sisters' blogs because seriously they know how to blog like nobody's business.  My two oldest sisters make me excited to have more kiddies and all the fun that comes with them and parenting, they are seriously so beautiful and they have THEE cutest kids ever, and Dee just makes me wish I could be doing all that she does and look really cute doing it.

Thanks for Reading! Nursery photo's soon. maybe

3 Hoff's and Dot

1 comment:

Jace and Nichole said...

I MISS YOU SOOO MUCH (this is me yelling it) I WANT TO CRY! THIS POST MADE ME LAUGH SO HARD!!!!! I JUST WANT TO HANG OUT WITH YOU! I LOVE YOU! (I would have yelled that louder if there was something bigger than caps lock)