So a very long post ago I said I would be putting up pictures of Dot's birthday, and some other events that have taken place. Well, the camera we have been borrowing from my parents was left at Grandpa Brink's when we went to visit... so our lives have been pretty picture-less for quite some time now. Thus, this may be another wordy blog, but it should suffice. I'll try to help paint vivid pictures for you with my choice of words. ( you should be seeing a scenery of very calming and relaxing... tree's right now...)
Today we learned about hypnosis in my class and all I could think about was my senior year in high school when I was sitting with TJ Moser and he faked being hypnotized and totally was chosen to go up on stage. Anyway, today was also the last day of the semester and it feels funny. I asked all of my teachers if we had class next week and they said NO... No? What do you mean no? This post may be very similar to my twin's who's blog I just so happened to read, but she is right. What is life like without school? Unlike her, I need a Master's in order to be a clinician of any sort; but with Jace applying to Grad school, we can't really afford for both of us to go to Grad school or else I'd be right on top of that. It bums me out a little because I've learned a ton this semester about Grad school and I know everything I'd need to do in order to apply, but I cannot afford it... Also, the end of my schooling, this April, is also when I told Jace we could start trying to have a baby brinky dinky... oh no! What did I commit to?! Just kidding, I can't wait to be a mom...(yes I can I am actually extremely nervous to be a mother and I don't know if I can do it and sometimes I don't even like kids but of course I'll love mine right unless they turn in to turds then I suppose I'll ship them off to a boarding school even if their only 2 years old and visit them on holidays....) Those are some thoughts that run through my head when I think about being a mom! Don't mind me just... panicking that's all. But honestly, I feel like both of my sisters were extremely ready to have children and they've both done such a good job besides the fact that all of the kiddies so far are so adorable as if them being good mommies isn't enough to live up to already!
But birthing a child, like literally the birth of a child is extraordinary. I have a hard time actually wrapping my thoughts around the whole thing and how it all really truely is a miracle. And having that kind of responsibility is what frightens me most. Just wondering if I'll be good enough to raise one of Heavenly Father's little special angels. Or can I even have children? Man, what a process; so much to think about.
A few weeks ago Jace played in a dodge ball tournament... you heard me! Dodgeball. It was hilarious. The handout's even had the 5 D's of Dodgeball Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive and Dodge. All night I just kept saying, "If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball." For those of you who haven't seen Dodgeball, it's hilarious. Anyway, Jace did pretty good and his team took 4th. There wre actually some competitive teams there with uniforms and all. And there were HORRIBLE! It was pretty funny. Please watch this clip it'll make you laugh I promise!
Hopefully I'll be able to post some kind of a picture soon. If not, just keep reading.
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