Friday, February 17, 2012


So because I haven't really blogged about being pregnant, I'd like to.  I am keeping a journal of how it is going, but an online one wouldn't be bad either. 

8 Weeks:
At eight weeks I had to pee all the time, I was extremely nauseated and could hardly brush my tongue when I brushed my teeth.  I was craving things like hot ketchup, Little Cesars Pizza, and peach sherbet ice cream.  I wasn't very irritable I just felt really bloated like the worst beginnings of a period ever.  At 8 weeks my Doctor measured my cervix and determined that it was about 8 weeks swollen and I was on the right track.

10 Weeks:
At ten weeks I was really nauseated and didn't really feel like anything at all.  It got to a point where I couldn't even eat my peanut butter and honey sandwich for lunch everyday!  I've been drinking a lot of milk at this point as they told me to, and getting as much exercise as I can.  Still didn't really feel pregnant because I couldn't really see a change in my body; other than my boobs were all the sudden 3 times bigger...

12 Weeks:
At twelve weeks we went in for a Doctor's appoint where we were hoping to hear a heart beat and we did!  It was the craziest thing ever.  He found mine and it was about 60 bpm. Then baby's heart beat was about 100bpm!  It was really low (we've heard that  means it's a boy)  But the heart beat was really fast (which we've heard means it's a girl) Then we also heard every baby is different so we're not going to believe what we hear anymore :).  This was officially the end of the first trimester and I was on to the second one!  In the next little while I would start showing a lot more, I would feel more energized and would have the mother's glow (which is when you start to have stronger blood flow and your face looks red and splotchy).

14 Weeks:
I am now fourteen weeks pregnant.  My pants don't fit, my bra's don't fit even more, and my stomach looks about 2-3 inches wider than usual.  I would take pictures, but I kinda have mixed feelings about naked belly pictures, so maybe when I really start to show I'll post a cute one.  Dot is slowly getting the picture that she will no longer be my "little smoky"; she will be the big, smaller sister.  She is slowly earning priviledges around the house so that's a good thing.  I haven't really felt anything move in my stomach yet, that's more in the 5 month, but it feels really tight.  According to the book my Doctor gave me, everything on my baby is completely developed in this month and it is all continuing to grow.  I didn't know this, but the intestines and all the insides first develop outside of the babies body, and when the baby has grown enough they go back inside the baby.  It now weighs around 4 ounces and that is so cool to me.  We are really excited. 

These are the names we are currently in debate over, I'll post them now and if any of you steal them we are no longer friends... :) just kidding.

Girls:                                             Boys:

Sophie Jo                                    Cal
Ellie                                             Gherigg (call him Riggs)
Elloise                                         Hayes
Cloee                                          Mayes
Halli                                            Maddoux

There are a few more boy ones, but we really just can't decide.  We want the boys to have baseball names because that sport really have a place in our hearts; but this is difficult!  We may even wait to see baby and then name it.  We just can't wait to find out what the gender is; which we get to do on February 29th!
More to come!




Cody and Chelsey said...

I can't wait til your appointment!!!

Anonymous said...

Rei! I am so excited for you!! I love the baseball names for the boy, darling! Hope you're feeling better! Love those pb and honey sandwiches!! :) let me know if I can do anything for ya? Throw a baby shower or somin! Love you