Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Lately I've been looking up quotes like mad.  I use to do it in high school a lot and I even gave it a name because it became such a hobby.  I called it "quoting".  Quotes are some of my favorite things and with Jace leaving soon and all, I've needed some inspiration and motivation to stay positive!  Life is what we make it!  Make the best of it.  But mostly, the best way to make yourself feel better is to focus on others instead of yourself.  GIVE MORE:  "If you only gave 99% would it make a difference? If you only gave 99% then… the power would go off every 15 min. everday. Luggage at the airport would be lost for 2 people every flight. There would be 9 mispelled words per page of each magazine. Hospitals would give the wrong baby to 28 people each year. There would be 1 hour of unsafe water each month. 16,000 letters would be lost by the postal service every hour. 20,000 wrong prescriptions would be given each year. 500 incorrect surgeries would be performed each week. There would be 2 major accidents with plane landings at Chicago o’hair airport every year… give a little more."

1 comment:

Cody and Chelsey said...

So true Rei! Thanks for making it so real. P.S. where did you find all the info it's so interesting?