Sunday, February 27, 2011


Jace and I got to go to the temple this weekend for the first time since my wreck and it was AMAZING to finally get back there. It was fun to visit the family this weekend and see some old friends at Emily Mullers farewell. GOOD LUCK EM!! YOU'LL DO GREAT! Rand and Trev will be going on a cruise soon and I am scared and excited for them at the same time! I hope they have lots of fun. Dot was a pretty good girl this weekend and she only pottied once on mom's carpet, after she climbed over the baby gate... ya she CLIMBED out. I think if i was a dog, I'd be Dot because she is a spaz and can process 10 thoughts at once and do them all at once and she seems a little crazy, but happy. We love her so :) I wish I had something a little more exciting to write about, but I don't. Life is life and it's nuts and busy and it all goes by so fast. So we will just enjoy it!



1 comment:

RandeeLynn said...

We'll be safe. Trevin's parents have been on many a cruise and they told us what to look out for. I'm not bringing my wedding ring ha!! Oh, and I'm bringin you back a mexican voodoo doll head. lol